
This is the 376th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Recorda" means "remembers" or "remind" in English.

In this sentence, 'recorda' is used to mean 'remembers', indicating a mental recall of past events.

Ella sempre recorda els bons moments del passat.

She always remembers the good times from the past.

Here, 'recorda' is used as a command or reminder to oneself or someone else to not forget doing something.

Recorda comprovar si portes les claus abans de sortir.

Remember to check if you have your keys before leaving.

In this usage, 'recorda' means 'reminds', denoting that someone or something evokes a memory of another.

Ell em recorda molt al meu amic d'infància.

He reminds me a lot of my childhood friend.