
This is the 217th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Recordat" means "remembered" in English.

The verb 'recordar' is in its past form ('vaig recordar'), expressing the act of recalling or remembering something in the past.

Ahir vaig recordar aquells bells moments a la platja.

Yesterday I remembered those beautiful moments at the beach.

The word 'recordat' here is the past participle of 'recordar', used in a passive voice to denote being remembered by others or in legacy.

És important ser recordat pels teus valors i accions.

It is important to be remembered for your values and actions.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'recordat' as part of the present perfect tense ('he recordat'), indicating that the action of remembering has been completed recently.

He recordat on vaig posar les claus al final.

I remembered where I put the keys in the end.