
This is the 749th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Residència" in Catalan means "residence" or "place where someone resides."

In this case, 'residència' signifies one's legal or permanent place of living, reflecting the administrative or legal context.

Vaig obtenir la meva residència a la ciutat fa cinc anys.

I obtained my residence in the city five years ago.

Here, 'residència' describes an institution or place where a specific community, such as elderly people, resides.

L'activitat cultural d'avui es farà a la residència de la gent gran.

Today's cultural activity will take place at the residence for the elderly.

Here, 'residència' refers to a building or facility designed as a dwelling, particularly for students, depicting a concrete sense of the word.

La residència dels estudiants està a prop del campus.

The residence for the students is near the campus.