
This is the 802nd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Saben" means "they know" in English.

Here, 'saben' is the third person plural form of the verb 'saber', meaning 'to know (a fact or information)'.

Els alumnes saben la resposta de la pregunta.

The students know the answer to the question.

In this sentence, 'saben' describes their ability or skill at dancing, derived from the verb 'saber' which can express 'to know how to'.

Saben ballar molt bé perquè han practicat molt.

They can dance very well because they have practiced a lot.

'Saben' here indicates knowledge or awareness of the current situation, using the verb 'saber'.

No saben què està passant en aquest moment.

They don't know what's happening right now.