
This is the 649th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Surten" means "they go out" or "they come out" in English.

Here, 'surten' is in the third person plural of the present tense of 'sortir', meaning 'to go out', indicating the children are going out to play.

Els nens surten a jugar al parc després d'escola.

The children go out to play in the park after school.

In this sentence, 'surten' is used metaphorically to refer to the publication or release of the exam results.

Quan surten els resultats dels exàmens?

When are the exam results coming out?

Here, 'surten' refers to flowers emerging or blooming, used metaphorically to describe natural growth occurring in spring.

Les flors surten a la primavera.

Flowers bloom in spring.