
This is the 114th most frequent Catalan word.

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The Catalan word "través" means "crossing" or "tilt" depending on the context.

The word 'a través' is used as a preposition meaning 'through', indicating the medium used to accomplish or achieve an action.

Va aprendre sobre aquestes cultures a través dels seus viatges.

He learned about these cultures through his travels.

Here 'a través' is also a preposition, implying observing or perceiving something by looking past or beyond an obstacle.

Va mirar a través de la finestra i va veure l'ocell volant.

He looked through the window and saw the bird flying.

In this sentence, 'a través' denotes the instrument or method by which communication occurred.

Es va comunicar amb ells a través d'una vídeo trucada.

He communicated with them via a video call.