This is the 545th most frequent Catalan word.
"Treballa" means "he/she works" or "you work" (formal) in English.
In this sentence, 'treballa' is the third person singular present indicative form of the verb 'treballar,' meaning 'to work.' It indicates a habitual action performed by the subject, 'Ell' (he).
Ell treballa cada dia a l'oficina.
He works at the office every day.
Here, 'treballa' is used in the same form as above, describing a characteristic action or habit associated with an unspecified individual in a hypothetical context (here referring to 'algú,' meaning 'someone').
Estem buscant algú que treballa bé en equip.
We are looking for someone who works well in a team.
In this context, 'treballa' reflects a statement of ongoing or scheduled action in the immediate or recent timeframe, with 'la Marta' being the subject of the verb.