
This is the 545th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Treballa" means "he/she works" or "you work" (formal) in English.

In this sentence, 'treballa' is the third person singular present indicative form of the verb 'treballar,' meaning 'to work.' It indicates a habitual action performed by the subject, 'Ell' (he).

Ell treballa cada dia a l'oficina.

He works at the office every day.

Here, 'treballa' is used in the same form as above, describing a characteristic action or habit associated with an unspecified individual in a hypothetical context (here referring to 'algú,' meaning 'someone').

Estem buscant algú que treballa bé en equip.

We are looking for someone who works well in a team.

In this context, 'treballa' reflects a statement of ongoing or scheduled action in the immediate or recent timeframe, with 'la Marta' being the subject of the verb.

Recorda que la Marta treballa avui fins tard.

Remember that Marta is working late today.