
This is the 468th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Trobat" means "found" in English.

In this sentence, 'trobat' is the past participle of the verb 'trobar', which means 'to find'. It indicates the action of having discovered something that was missing or sought after.

He trobat les claus que havia perdut.

I have found the keys I had lost.

Here, 'trobat' is used as an adjective, derived from the verb 'trobar', to describe the occurrence or commonality of the book being present or found in local libraries.

Aquest llibre és el més trobat a les biblioteques locals.

This book is the most commonly found in local libraries.

In this example, 'trobat' functions as part of a question, indicating an encounter or meeting with someone that hasn't happened for a duration of time.

Quant de temps fa que no t'he trobat pel carrer?

How long has it been since I haven't found you on the street?