
This is the 979th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Vallès" refers to a valley or region, specifically associated with two Catalan comarques: Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental.

'Vallès' is used as a proper noun, referring to a specific geographical region in Catalonia, Spain.

El Vallès és conegut per les seves belles muntanyes.

The Vallès is known for its beautiful mountains.

'Vallès' is used to describe a general feature or characteristic of the region, focusing on its natural beauty.

El paisatge del Vallès a la tardor és impressionant.

The landscape of Vallès in autumn is breathtaking.

'Vallès' is again used as a proper noun, emphasizing the cultural or economic activity of the region.

A la comarca del Vallès es produeixen vins excel·lents.

In the Vallès county, excellent wines are produced.