
This is the 710th most frequent Catalan word.

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The Catalan word "vulnerables" means "vulnerable" in English, referring to being susceptible to harm or damage.

In this sentence, 'vulnerables' is used to describe the susceptibility or exposure of children to harm or difficulties during their early years.

Els nens són vulnerables durant els primers anys de vida.

Children are vulnerable during the first years of life.

Here, 'vulnerables' refers to the heightened sensitivity of endangered species to external environmental changes.

Les espècies en perill d’extinció són especialment vulnerables als canvis climàtics.

Endangered species are especially vulnerable to climate changes.

In this case, 'vulnerables' indicates the lack of resilience or defense that outdated systems have against malicious actions.

Els sistemes de seguretat obsolets són vulnerables als atacs informàtics.

Outdated security systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks.