
This is the 276th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Víctimes" means "victims" in English.

'Víctimes' is used here to refer to individuals who have suffered harm or impact due to the incident.

Les víctimes de l'accident van ser traslladades a l'hospital.

The victims of the accident were taken to the hospital.

'Víctimes' denotes those affected by the disaster in a broader sense, encompassing both physical and emotional impacts.

Els voluntaris van donar suport emocional a les víctimes del desastre.

Volunteers provided emotional support to the victims of the disaster.

'Víctimes' applied to individuals who have experienced unfair treatment or injustice, extending its use beyond physical harm.

Algunes víctimes d'injustícia lluiten per a obtenir justícia.

Some victims of injustice fight to achieve justice.