
This is the 350th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "budu" is a form of the verb "biti," meaning "to be" (used in the future tense or subjunctive mood).

Here, 'budu' is used as the third person plural future active subjunctive of the verb 'biti' (to be), representing 'they be ready' in a conditional future clause.

Kada budu spremni, krenut ćemo.

When they are ready, we will start.

In this sentence, 'budu' again represents the third person plural form of 'biti' (to be), but used in a subjunctive tense governed by the verb 'želim' (I want).

Želim da oni budu sretni.

I want them to be happy.

Here, 'budu' is used in a complementary conjunction clause translating to 'they want to be'; it holds a subjunctive form conveying desired action.

Nadam se da će oni biti ono što žele da budu.

I hope they will be what they want to be.