
This is the 967th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "centra" means "centers" (plural of "center") in English.

'Centra' in this sentence refers to the central point or focus of a circle in geometric terms.

Geometrijski centar kružnice određuje se raznim metodama.

The geometric center of a circle is determined by various methods.

The word 'centra' here refers to a shopping mall or center, as it is describing a specific location that serves as the shopping hub of the area.

U središtu grada nalazi se veliki trgovački centar.

In the city center, there is a large shopping center.

Here, 'centra' is used to describe the middle or central area of the road.

Vozač je skrenuo s centra ceste kako bi izbjegao prepreke.

The driver veered away from the center of the road to avoid obstacles.