
This is the 179th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "drugim" means "other" or "different" in the instrumental or dative case.

The word 'drugima' here is the dative plural form of 'drugi,' meaning 'others,' used to indicate to whom the helping action is directed.

Pomogao sam drugima u razredu s domaćom zadaćom.

I helped others in the class with their homework.

The word 'drugom' here is the locative singular form of 'drugi,' meaning 'second,' used to indicate the location or context, in this case, the grade.

U drugom razredu učimo nove stvari.

In the second grade, we learn new things.

The word 'drugim' here is the instrumental plural form of 'drugi,' meaning 'other,' used to describe the companions in the action of talking.

Razgovarao sam s drugim učenicima o projektu.

I talked with other students about the project.