
This is the 201st most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "drugom" means "to the other" or "with the other" (dative/instrumental singular form of "drugi").

The word 'drugom' here is the dative form of 'drugi', meaning 'another' or 'other', used to indicate the indirect object 'another student'.

On je pomogao drugom učeniku.

He helped another student.

In this context, 'drugom' is the locative form of 'drugi', explaining its use to identify a specific alternate plan as the topic of discussion.

Razgovarali smo o drugom planu za putovanje.

We talked about another plan for the trip.

Here, 'drugom' is the instrumental form of 'drugi', signifying the group accompanying them, emphasizing the association in the action of going together.

Išli su s drugom grupom na izlet.

They went with another group on a trip.