
This is the 994th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Htjela" means "wanted" (feminine singular, past tense) in English.

The word 'htjela' is used hypothetically to discuss an unfulfilled desire in the past, involving a feminine subject.

Znam da bi htjela otići na koncert, ali karte su rasprodane.

I know that you would have liked to go to the concert, but the tickets are sold out.

The word 'htjela' is used in its past tense form (feminine singular) to express a desire or intention from the speaker (as a female) in the past.

Htjela sam posjetiti muzej danas, ali nije bilo vremena.

I wanted to visit the museum today, but there wasn't time.

Here, 'htjela' is again in its past tense form, referring to a feminine subject (she) who had the intention in the past to provide assistance.

Rekla je da je htjela pomoći svojim prijateljima s pripremama.

She said that she wanted to help her friends with the preparations.