
This is the 995th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Igrali" is the past tense plural form of the verb "igrati," meaning "played" in English.

The word 'igrali' is the first person plural past tense form of the verb 'igrati' used to describe an action we participated in the past.

Na turniru, igrali smo protiv najboljeg tima.

At the tournament, we played against the best team.

The word 'igrali' here is the past participle used with 'su se' to describe an action performed by the children in the past.

Djeca su se cijelo popodne igrali u parku.

The children played all afternoon in the park.

The word 'igrali' is the third person plural past tense form of 'igrati', describing an action performed by some group in the past.

Igrali su nogomet na školskom dvorištu.

They were playing soccer in the schoolyard.