
This is the 146th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Jednog" is the genitive or accusative singular masculine form of "jedan," meaning "one" or "a/an" in English.

The word 'jednog' is used in the genitive singular masculine form to describe 'trenutka' (moment), indicating a specific moment that is characterized as beautiful.

Prisjetio se jednog lijepog trenutka iz djetinjstva.

He recalled a beautiful moment from his childhood.

The word 'jednog' is used here in the genitive singular masculine form to modify the noun 'dana' (day), expressing a single, unspecified day in the future.

Jednog dana ću posjetiti Pariz.

One day I will visit Paris.

In this sentence, 'jednog' is in the genitive singular masculine form, modifying 'popodneva' (afternoon), to refer to an unspecified afternoon in the future.

Nadam se da ćemo jednog popodneva otići na izlet.

I hope we will go on an outing one afternoon.