
This is the 338th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Jednoj" is the dative or locative singular form of "jedna," meaning "one" (feminine) in English.

The word 'jednoj' is in the dative case, modifying a singular, feminine noun to indicate the object of attendance.

Prisustvovala sam jednoj važnoj konferenciji.

I attended an important conference.

The word 'jednoj' serves as a dative case form of the numeral 'one,' describing an unspecified singular female recipient.

Dao sam knjigu jednoj studentici.

I gave the book to a student.

Here, 'jednoj' is in the locative case, describing contemplation regarding a particular feminine noun, conveying specificity.

Razmišljao sam o jednoj zanimljivoj ideji.

I was thinking about an interesting idea.