
This is the 51st most frequent Croatian word.

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"Mjere" in English means "measures."

In this sentence, 'mjere' is used to mean 'measures,' referring to actions or steps taken to achieve a goal, specifically for improving safety.

Mjere za poboljšanje sigurnosti uvedene su prošle godine.

Measures to improve safety were introduced last year.

Here, 'mjere' means 'measurements,' referring to the dimensions or size specifications of the desk.

Molim te, provjeri točne mjere za novi radni stol.

Please check the exact measurements for the new desk.

In this example, 'mjere' refers to policies or actions implemented by the government to achieve economic goals.

Vlada je najavila dodatne mjere štednje u javnom sektoru.

The government has announced additional austerity measures in the public sector.