
This is the 905th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "nagradu" means "award" or "prize" in English.

In this sentence, 'nagradu' is the accusative singular form of the noun 'nagrada' (award), which is the direct object of the verb 'osvojio' (won).

Osvojio je nagradu za najbolji film.

He won the award for the best film.

Here, 'nagradu' is also the accusative singular form of 'nagrada', representing the object of the verb 'primila' (received).

Bila je presretna kad je primila svoju nagradu.

She was overjoyed when she received her award.

In this example, 'nagradu' again is the direct object in the accusative singular form, used to denote what is being won ('glavnu nagradu' - the grand prize).

Nadamo se da ćeš ti osvojiti glavnu nagradu.

We hope that you will win the grand prize.