
This is the 600th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Nikako" means "in no way" or "not at all" in English.

Here, 'nikako' emphasizes the impossibility or difficulty of understanding something, highlighting it as an adverbial expression indicating a negative severity.

Nikako ne mogu razumjeti kako se to dogodilo.

I absolutely cannot understand how that happened.

In this sentence, 'nikako' suggests a persistent lack of success, underlining the continuous attempt met with failure.

Unatoč svim pokušajima, stvar nikako nije uspjela.

Despite all attempts, the matter simply did not succeed.

'Nikako' here intensifies the speaker's disagreement, making it an adverbial emphasis to a negative statement.

Nikako se ne bih složio s takvom odlukom.

I would absolutely not agree with such a decision.