
This is the 466th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Otkrio" means "discovered."

The word "otkrio" is used here to mean "discovered," referring to finding a piece of information or truth that was previously unknown.

Napokon sam otkrio gdje je skriven njen dnevnik.

I finally discovered where her diary is hidden.

In this case, "otkrio" is used to express the act of discovering or inventing a novel method or idea.

Otkrio je novu tehniku crtanja koja mu je pomogla u umjetnosti.

He discovered a new drawing technique that helped him in art.

Here, "otkrili" is the plural form related to "otkrio," and it is used to indicate the act of revealing or disclosing information.

Prijatelji su otkrili tajnu slučajno tijekom razgovora.

The friends accidentally revealed the secret during the conversation.