
This is the 204th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "pacijenata" means "patients" (genitive plural form).

Here, 'pacijenata' is in the genitive plural form indicating the quantity of patients present.

Pacijenata je bilo mnogo u čekaonici.

There were many patients in the waiting room.

In this sentence, 'pacijenata' again appears in the genitive plural form due to the possessive construction indicating 'of the patients'.

Razgovarali smo o potrebama pacijenata.

We talked about the needs of the patients.

Here, 'pacijenata' is used in the genitive plural form to express possession regarding the progress of the patients.

Liječnik je bio zadovoljan napretkom pacijenata.

The doctor was satisfied with the progress of the patients.