
This is the 930th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Projekata" is the genitive plural form of "projekat," meaning "projects."

Here, 'projekata' is in the genitive plural to specify the projects in whole as part of the sentence's context.

Završetak svih projekata planiran je za kraj godine.

The completion of all projects is planned for the end of the year.

In this sentence, 'projekata' is used in the genitive plural to indicate "of projects" as part of a partitive meaning.

Radimo na nekoliko zanimljivih projekata trenutno.

We are working on several interesting projects currently.

In this example, 'projekata' appears in the context of the object of the preposition 'for (analizu)'; hence it's in genitive plural form.

Treba nam više vremena za analizu projekata.

We need more time for the analysis of projects.