
This is the 516th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Sabor" is the Croatian parliament or legislative assembly.

Here, 'sabor' refers to a formal governing body, specifically the Parliament of Croatia, illustrating its primary and official meaning in the context of national governance.

Hrvatski sabor je zakonodavno tijelo Republike Hrvatske.

The Croatian Parliament is the legislative body of the Republic of Croatia.

In this instance, 'sabor' stands for a general meeting or assembly, frequently used in community or organizational contexts to refer to gatherings for deliberation.

Na saboru su se okupili svi članovi zajednice da rasprave o važnim pitanjima.

At the assembly, all members of the community gathered to discuss important issues.

Here, 'sabor' represents a poetic interpretation of a congregation or metaphysical assembly, deviating from its official meaning to convey imagery or metaphor in literary expressions.

Sabor umrlijih oživljava stihovima pjesnika u ovo mistično vrijeme.

The gathering of spirits revives the poet's verses in this mystical time.