
This is the 858th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Testova" is the genitive plural form of "test," meaning "tests" in English.

Here, 'testova' appears in the genitive plural case, showing possession or association with the word 'rezultati' (results), as it specifies whose results are discussed.

Rezultati svih testova bit će objavljeni sutra.

The results of all tests will be announced tomorrow.

In this sentence, 'testova' is used in the genitive plural form to indicate multiple tests that belong to the broader category of assessments taking place this week.

Moram se pripremiti za niz testova ovaj tjedan.

I need to prepare for a series of tests this week.

In this instance, 'testova' is in the genitive plural form to accompany 'ni jedno od', specifying the scope or belonging of the subject tests to the described situation.

Ni jedno od dosadašnjih testova nije indiciralo problem.

None of the previous tests indicated a problem.