
This is the 331st most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "velikih" means "of big" or "of great" (genitive plural form).

The word 'velikih' here is used as an attributive adjective, describing 'stabala' (trees) in the genitive plural case.

Djeca su se igrala u parku punom velikih stabala.

The children were playing in a park full of big trees.

In this sentence, 'velikih' functions as an attributive adjective, modifying 'cvjetova' (flowers) also in the genitive plural case, emphasizing their characteristic size.

Vrt je bio prepun velikih cvjetova raznih boja.

The garden was filled with large flowers of various colors.

Here, 'velikih' is used possessively to describe 'majstora' (masters) in the genitive plural case, as a way to denote their skill and renown.

Zbirka je sadržavala mnoge umjetnine velikih majstora.

The collection contained many artworks of great masters.