
This is the 367th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Vozila" in English means "vehicles."

In this case, 'vozila' again means 'vehicles' and is used in the plural form within a prepositional context in the sentence.

Kada sam prošao pored škole, vidio sam kako su svi čekali da vozila stanu.

When I passed by the school, I saw that everyone was waiting for the vehicles to stop.

In this sentence, the word 'vozila' means 'vehicles' and is used as a plural noun referring to multiple types of transportation.

U garaži se nalaze razna vozila, uključujući automobile i kamione.

In the garage, there are various vehicles including cars and trucks.

Here, the word 'vozila' represents the past tense conjugation of the verb 'voziti' (to drive) in the singular feminine form.

Ana je pazila kako bi vozila sigurno po kiši.

Ana was careful to drive safely in the rain.