
This is the 738th most frequent Croatian word.

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The Croatian word "zadru" is the dative or locative singular form of "zadruga," meaning "commune" or "cooperative" in English.

In this use, 'zadru' is part of a phrase indicating 'in the course of' metaphorically representing a duration or segment of time.

U zadru vremena, svi će shvatiti važnost zajedništva.

In the course of time, everyone will understand the importance of togetherness.

Here, 'zadru' represents 'cooperative', referring to an organized group, and it is in the dative case, indicating indirect object.

Razgovarali smo o zadru poljoprivrednika u našoj regiji.

We talked about the cooperative of farmers in our region.

In this sentence, 'zadru' refers to the city of Zadar in Croatia, in its locative case to indicate location.

Posjetio sam knjižnicu u zadru ovog ljeta.

I visited the library in Zadar this summer.