
This is the 76th most frequent Croatian word.

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Here, the word 'zaraženih' is a past participle used as an adjective in the genitive plural form, referring to individuals who have been infected.

Broj zaraženih u gradu značajno je porastao tijekom proteklog mjeseca.

The number of infected people in the city has significantly increased during the past month.

In this context, 'zaraženih' functions as a descriptive term in a possessive sense, describing the families related to infected individuals.

Pomoć je stigla za pružanje podrške zaraženih obiteljima.

Aid has arrived to support the families of the infected.

Here, 'zaraženih' describes the state of the organisms, used in a descriptive manner to specify that the organisms are infected.

Testiraju se na prisutnost zaraženih organizama u uzorcima.

They are testing for the presence of infected organisms in the samples.