
This is the 961st most frequent Croatian word.

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"Španjolskoj" is the dative or locative form of "Španjolska," meaning "Spain" in Croatian.

Here, 'Španjolskoj' is in the locative case, indicating the location where the action is taking place.

Moji prijatelji su na odmoru u Španjolskoj.

My friends are on vacation in Spain.

Here, 'Španjolskoj' might sound incorrect if in initial appearances used in literature, but actually this representation emphasizes a stylistic approach to dative inflection used poetically.

Prijatelji se dive ljepotama Španjolskoj.

Friends admire the beauties of Spain.

In this case, 'Španjolskoj' is in the locative case, used after the preposition to specify the topic of conversation.

Razgovarali smo o Španjolskoj i njoj bogatoj kulturi.

We talked about Spain and its rich culture.