
This is the 369th most frequent Croatian word.

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"Životu" is the dative or locative singular form of "život," meaning "life" in English.

Here, 'životu' is in the locative case, indicating the place or condition where something is occurring - in this case, within one's life.

Sretan sam u svom životu.

I am happy in my life.

'Životu' here is in the dative case, showing the recipient of dedication, specifically a life spent helping others.

Bio je posvećen životu pomaganju drugima.

He was dedicated to a life of helping others.

In this sentence, 'životu' is used in the locative case again, showing the temporal or contextual span within the man's life.

Muž naučio je mnoge lekcije u svom životu.

The man learned many lessons in his life.