
This is the 662nd most frequent Czech word.

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"Branky" in English means "goals" (as in sports or scoring objectives).

Here, 'branky' is used in the context of sports to represent 'goals' scored by the team.

Fotbalový tým vstřelil tři branky během prvního poločasu.

The soccer team scored three goals during the first half.

In this sentence, 'branky' refers to 'small gates' that the children are interacting with during play.

Na hřišti se děti hrály a prolézaly branky.

The children played in the field and crawled through the little gates.

Here, 'branky' signifies 'gates,' specifically parts of a fence that were in need of repair.

Opravil jsem branky u našeho plotu, protože byly poškozeny.

I repaired the gates in our fence because they were damaged.