
This is the 306th most frequent Czech word.

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"Dal" in Czech means "gave" (past tense of "give").

The word 'dal' here is the 3rd person singular past tense of the verb 'dát', meaning 'to give' or 'to put', used to describe an action where something was placed somewhere.

On dal knihu na stůl.

He put the book on the table.

'Dal' here again is the 1st person singular in its past tense form, reflecting the completed action of placing the book somewhere.

Když jsem dočetl knihu, dal jsem ji zpět na poličku.

When I finished reading the book, I put it back on the shelf.

In this sentence, 'dal' emphasizes the act of giving something, representing a completed action of donation, highlighting generosity or choice.

Poté, co vyhrál v loterii, dal velkou část na charitu.

After he won the lottery, he gave a large part to charity.