
This is the 254th most frequent Czech word.

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"Jednou" means "once" or "one time" in English.

Here, 'jednou' refers to an unspecified day in the future when she made a decision, implying 'one day'.

Jednou se rozhodla naučit hrát na klavír.

One day, she decided to learn to play the piano.

Here, 'jednou' is used in the context of frequency, meaning 'once' during a lifetime.

Každý člověk by měl alespoň jednou v životě navštívit Paříž.

Every person should visit Paris at least once in their lifetime.

In this instance, 'jednou' implies some undefined time in the future, meaning 'one day'.

Pokud to neuděláš teď, budeš to muset udělat jednou.

If you don't do it now, you'll have to do it one day.