
This is the 191st most frequent Czech word.

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"ODS" in Czech refers to the political party "Občanská demokratická strana" (Civic Democratic Party).

In this sentence, 'ODS' is used as an acronym representing a political party.

ODS je zkratka pro Občanskou demokratickou stranu.

ODS is an abbreviation for the Civic Democratic Party.

Here, 'ODS' continues as a reference to the Civic Democratic Party within the context of a meeting or event.

Zítra se koná schůze ODS na téma hospodářského růstu.

Tomorrow, an ODS meeting on economic growth will be held.

In this example, 'ODS' is mentioned in context with its political actions or positions.

Právě jsem našel článek kritizující politiku ODS.

I just found an article criticizing ODS's policies.