This is the 315th most frequent Czech word.
"Prostoru" is the genitive or accusative singular form of "prostor," meaning "space" or "room."
'Prostoru' as a singular form of the word 'prostor', meaning an area or space, used as a locative in this sentence to indicate the place.
V tomto prostoru se nemusíte ničeho obávat.
In this space, you have nothing to fear.
'Prostoru' as a singular form of the word 'prostor', meaning an area or place, used as a genitive to attribute usage to a particular area.
Navrhneme optimální využití tohoto prostoru.
We will design optimal usage for this space.
'Prostoru' as a singular form of the word 'prostor', meaning room or capacity, used as a genitive in this sentence to indicate a quantity of space needed.