
This is the 105th most frequent Czech word.


"Roky" in Czech means "years" in English.

Here, 'roky' means 'years' in the sense of periods of time.

Žil tam mnoho let a nyní si pamatuje ty krásné roky.

He lived there for many years, and now he remembers those beautiful years.

Here, 'roky' again means 'years,' referring to notable periods marked by events or changes.

V posledních letech se hodně změnilo a já ty roky nestačím sledovat.

In recent years, a lot has changed, and I can't keep track of these years.

In this sentence, 'roků' is used as the genitive plural form, indicating possession or relation related to years.

Dítě vyrostlo během těch několika roků, co jsme se neviděli.

The child grew up during those several years that we hadn't seen each other.