
This is the 862nd most frequent Czech word.

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"Skvěle" means "greatly" or "excellently" in English.

The word 'skvělě' is used to describe how the day was spent, imparting a meaning of 'excellently' or 'wonderfully.'

Měli jsme skvělě strávený den v horách.

We had an excellent day in the mountains.

Here, 'skvělě' describes the manner in which she danced, functioning as an adverb to convey the quality of her dancing.

Tančila skvělě na pódiu.

She danced excellently on the stage.

In this case, 'skvělě' modifies 'planned,' indicating that the quality of the planning was excellent.

Bylo to skvělě naplánováno.

It was excellently planned.