
This is the 889th most frequent Czech word.

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"Zprávě" means "to the report" or "to the news" in English, typically in the dative case.

In this sentence, 'zprávě' is the dative singular form of the noun 'zpráva,' meaning 'report' or 'news item,' used in the context of discussing an item covered in the news.

Včera jsem četl článek v novinách o této zprávě.

Yesterday, I read an article in the newspaper about this report.

Here, 'zprávě' is again in the dative singular form, serving as an indirect object, indicating the source or context of the questions.

Musel jsem odpovědět na otázky v této zprávě.

I had to answer questions in this report.

In the third example, 'zprávě' appears once more as a dative singular form, showing possession or relation to the subject matter being discussed, the report.

Domluvme se na odpovědi k této zprávě.

Let's agree on the response to this report.