
This is the 532nd most frequent Danish word.

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"Halvleg" means "half" or "period" in sports, referring to one of the two halves of a game.

Here, 'halvleg' is used in the context of a sports game, referring to one of the two halves into which the game is divided.

Vi spillede en intens første halvleg, men mistede energien i anden halvleg.

We played an intense first half but lost energy in the second half.

In this sentence, 'halvleg' refers to the interim period between the first and second halves of a game, often used to describe the halftime break.

Under halvlegen fik spillerne en kort pause og drak lidt vand.

During the halftime, the players took a short break and drank some water.

Here, 'halvleg' denotes a half of a game, emphasizing the gameplay expected in that specific interval.

Folket så frem til en spændende halvleg med mange mål.

The audience looked forward to an exciting half with many goals.