
This is the 693rd most frequent Danish word.

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"Søndergaard" is a Danish surname meaning "southern farm."

Here, 'Søndergaard' is used as a family name to identify a specific group of people.

Familien Søndergaard bor i det lille hus ved skoven.

The Søndergaard family lives in the small house by the forest.

In this context, 'Søndergaard' refers to the name of a town, showcasing its use as a proper noun for a geographical location.

Byen Søndergaard er kendt for sine charmerende gader.

The town of Søndergaard is known for its charming streets.

Here, 'Søndergaard' could reference a person, entity, or concept, ambiguous without additional context, but demonstrating its versatility as a surname or identifier.

Han nævnte Søndergaard som eksemplet i diskussionen.

He mentioned Søndergaard as the example in the discussion.