
This is the 633rd most frequent Danish word.

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"Støjberg" is a Danish surname and does not have a standalone meaning in English.

In this sentence, 'Støjberg' is a proper noun, referring to a specific individual, likely a public figure or politician in Denmark.

Støjberg er en kendt politiker.

Støjberg is a well-known politician.

Here, 'støjberg' is used metaphorically as a compound word combining 'støj' (noise) and 'berg' (mountain).

Videnskaben kan dæmpe teknologisk støj, som er som en støjberg.

Science can mitigate technological noise, which is like a noise mountain.

In this expression, 'støjberg' symbolizes hypothetical obstacles or amplifications to understanding concepts, demonstrating abstract usage.

I historiske gåder, støjberg afvisninger kan trække konklusioner.

In historical riddles, noise mountain rejections can draw conclusions.