
This is the 74th most frequent Danish word.

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"Ville" means "would" or "want to" depending on context.

Here, 'ville' is part of a conditional sentence, expressing what would happen under a certain condition, akin to 'would' in English conditional constructions.

Hvis det regnede, ville vi blive hjemme.

If it rained, we would stay at home.

In this example, 'ville' is used in reported speech to indicate an intention or plan, similar to 'wanted' in a past context in English.

Han sagde, han ville købe en ny bil.

He said he wanted to buy a new car.

In this sentence, 'ville' is used as a modal verb indicating a wish or inclination, similar to 'would like' in English.

Jeg ville gerne rejse til Danmark næste sommer.

I would like to travel to Denmark next summer.