
This is the 564th most frequent Dutch word.

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"Huizen" in Dutch means "houses" or is the plural form of "huis" (house).

In this sentence, 'huizen' is used as a plural noun meaning 'houses', referring to residential buildings.

De huizen in deze straat zijn erg kleurrijk.

The houses in this street are very colorful.

Here, 'huizen' acts as a verb meaning 'to reside' or 'to live', describing a temporary living situation.

We huizen momenteel in een tijdelijk appartement.

We are currently residing in a temporary apartment.

In this sentence, 'huizen' is again a plural noun meaning 'houses', specifically referring to model representations of buildings.

Hij verzamelt modellen van huizen uit verschillende tijdperken.

He collects models of houses from various eras.