
This is the 626th most frequent Dutch word.

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"Roept" means "calls" or "shouts" in English.

In this sentence, 'roept' is used to describe the act of calling or summoning, specifically addressing his dog.

Hij roept zijn hond om terug te komen.

He calls his dog to come back.

Here, 'roept' is used in a figurative sense, meaning to call for or demand action or attention from the attendants.

Tijdens de vergadering roept de baas op tot meer samenwerking.

During the meeting, the boss calls for more cooperation.

In this usage, 'roept' conveys the meaning of shouting or exclaiming loudly, directed potentially at passersby.

De straatverkoper roept luid om zijn producten aan te prijzen.

The street vendor shouts loudly to promote his products.