
This is the 588th most frequent Dutch word.

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Temporary; for the time being.

In this sentence, 'voorlopig' is used to signify a temporary situation or decision that is subject to change.

Voorlopig blijf ik thuis totdat het weer beter wordt.

For now, I'll stay home until the weather gets better.

Here, 'voorlopig' conveys the idea that no decisions have been made yet, but this might change.

We hebben voorlopig geen concrete plannen gemaakt voor de vakantie.

We haven't made any concrete plans for the vacation as of yet.

In this sentence, 'voorlopig' refers to something temporary or interim, pending further confirmation.

Zijn benoeming als directeur is voorlopig, totdat de raad hem definitief aanstelt.

His appointment as director is provisional, until the board definitively appoints him.