
This is the 867th most frequent Estonian word.

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"Historical" or "of historical significance."

The word 'ajaloolise' is an adjective describing the significance of the event, implying its relevance to history.

See on ajaloolise tähtsusega sündmus.

This is an event of historical significance.

The word 'ajaloolise' is used to qualify the objects' connection to history or the past.

Me külastasime muuseumi, kus hoitakse ajaloolise tähendusega esemeid.

We visited a museum where items of historical significance are kept.

The word 'ajaloolise' characterizes the city, indicating its historical value or age.

Ajaloolise linna tänavad on kitsad ja munakividega kaetud.

The streets of the historical city are narrow and paved with cobblestones.