
This is the 73rd most frequent Estonian word.

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"Still," "nevertheless," or "after all."

In this case, 'ikkagi' conveys that despite a negative or challenging situation, the positive perspective remains, emphasizing resistance to negativity.

Mul oli raske päev, aga ma olen ikkagi rõõmus.

I had a tough day, but I am still happy.

Here, 'ikkagi' functions as a reinforcement, expressing curiosity or doubt about the validity or truth of the information, as if seeking confirmation.

Kas see on ikkagi tõsi, mida nad ütlesid?

Is it true after all what they said?

In this sentence, 'ikkagi' is used to indicate that something happened contrary to expectations, emphasizing that despite assumptions otherwise, the outcome was as stated.

Ma arvasin, et ta ei tule, aga ta tuli ikkagi.

I thought he wouldn't come, but he came after all.